Property One Group.
16. July 2024

Quarterly statement of the ONE Real Estate Debt Fund – continued strong performance and rising credit demand

The ONE Real Estate Debt Fund (OREDF) continues to perform strongly. Due to the increasing reluctance of traditional mortgage providers to lend, we at OREDF are currently experiencing a pleasing and robust pipeline of loan applications. As a result, all mortgage repayments, totalling CHF 20 million, were successfully reinvested in the second quarter. The fund is fully invested as at 30 June 2024.

Thanks to a pleasing pipeline of loan applications totalling CHF 150 million and the positive effects of the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) interest rate cuts, we are optimistic about the future. Accordingly, we will be able to raise fresh capital for the fund during the next subscription window.

In April, the annual dividends of 70% of income, totalling around CHF 10 million, were paid out. Depending on the share class in question, this corresponds to an attractive dividend yield of 5.0 to 5.9%.

We would like to thank our investors for their continued trust and valuable support.

OREDF factsheets as at 30 June 2024 – All share classes > 
